

These are some Youtube videos I have worked on and uploaded. Some of this demonstrates my videography skills and editing skills. The others demonstrate my skill in art and animation productions.

Animation Showreel

24th March 2022

Adobe Animate

These are some animation shorts I made as part of my animation course last year. This was a montage of some of the animations I made throughout that year. This was submitted as part of my film project.

What's Your Favourite TV Show

25th April 2023

Davinci Resolve

This is a full-scale production I participated in as part of a group project for Sound and Vision. We had to set up mics, cameras and lights and go out and interview the public and then do a professional interview. Then we had to edit all the clips together and add transitions, music and other visual adds. This was a fun project and I enjoyed the whole thing, and I think the finished product is class.

Sketch Book Tour

24 March 2022


This is a tour of one of my sketchbooks from 2022. This video went towards a final project in my Animation course last year. I love this as it shows all my work come together. I feel like you can see my art style develop.

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